Bill's, Goods, Rights, and Purple Font!
So since class I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out why deep down I feel like Bill A (the Bill who hits someone) deserves a larger punishment than Bill B (the lucky one who doesn't hit anyone). I hate thinking that justice is determined by luck, but I feel that despite my best efforts it will boil down to that. Going off of a couple different theories discussed in class I've come up with a rough theory of why Bill A deserves a harsher punishment. As we have discussed there is the subjective and objective views of morality. I feel that most people do not feel the need to choose one but rather use a combination of the two. If we look at it in terms of subjectivism looking at right versus wrong in one's intentions and objectivism looking at good versus evil in the actual results of one's actions, then we can combine these ideas to get one joint theory. Bill B did something morally and subjectively wrong in taking such a huge risk. However, the actual results of Bill B's actions did not lead to something evil in the killing of anyone. Bill A did the same wrong thing, while also causing evil in the killing of someone. Although morally both Bills did something wrong, only Bill A caused something evil. We can further Introduce a Bill C into the picture, a Bill that was not drunk or tired. This Bill however, hit someone anyone through no real fault of his own. This Bill did nothing morally wrong at all; however, his actions produced something evil. What should is punishment be? I feel that when someone does something morally wrong or whose actions lead to something evil in the world then they should be punished. However, when someone does something both wrong and that leads to evil, the punishment is increased dramatically. Bill B and Bill C need to take responsibility for their actions. Bill B took a large risk and did something wrong and should be punished. Bill C, though not through his own fault, caused a death, and owes at least something to the world, whether it be doing something for the family or something else. Bill A however, did something wrong and caused evil, and these two facts together are reason enough to punish him further. As far as the luck of Bill A and Bill B, I don't know what to say. Maybe it is pure luck that Bill B did not hit anyone. I don't like that luck is such a huge part of it, but I feel that it's just the nature of the universe and there is not much the Bills or anyone else can really do about it. Maybe that's a copout on the problem of luck, but that's all i got right now.
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