I, like most of the class, am of the breed that does not feel that anyone really deserves to suffer no matter how horrible of a person they are. That is seen in my opposition to capital punishment. In my personal opinion, I feel it is good to try to give the murderer in jail the flowers as discussed in class. I say this for a number of reasons. First off, the person that makes the attempt at increasing the well-being of the murderer is often seen as a very good person. It is easy and fun to give to your favorite people in your life, but when one makes the effort to reach out to someone who isn't so pleasant a higher sense of morality can be seen. Another reason that I find it positive to increase the well-being of the murderer is that often times the murderer who is genuinely touched by such a kind act is also the type who shows great remorse. When a person is put into jail for life and begins to regret their actions, I do not see a greater punishment that can be given than the punishment they are putting themself through. For someone to attempt to brighten their day up even a little seems to be positive to me when the murderer is putting himself through more suffering than I feel any one person deserves. I do recognize that this is not always the case. There are plenty of people in jail who feel no remorse at all for their actions. My argument regarding these people is simple. The people who feel no remorse are generally cruel, cold people. The truly terrible people in the world that aren't punishing themselves at all aren't going to really be touched by a generous act anyway. The morality of the giver still increases, but the well-being of the cold-hearted murderer will probably stay approximately the same. I think it is important to hold people responsible for their actions, but I do not find any reason to make them suffer anymore than they already will be living in jail.
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